Friday, September 25, 2009

October 17th is Duwamish Alive!

Join the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition for habitat restoration at nine sites along the Duwamish River including Hamm Creek, Herring House by Kellogg Island, and the kayak river cleanup. For more information, see the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition's website: For more information about the Superfund site, see

Friday, September 11, 2009

Grants for Frog Ponds!

Tree Walkers International (TWI), an organization dedicated to the conservation of amphibians, is offering $1,000 awards to organizations in Washington, Idaho, and Montanafor the creation of wetland habitats for amphibians and environmental education. Awardees will receive up to $1,000 for materials and/or labor to construct or restore suitable breeding habitat for local native amphibians. These awards are administered under Operation Frog Pond (OFP), a program of TWI that promotes the conservation of native amphibians through backyard and schoolyard habitat projects.

A major aspect of OFP is working with teachers and students to construct frog ponds at their schools, providing crucial breeding habitat for amphibians in developed areas as well as outdoor classrooms where students can learn about the importance of the environment through hands-on opportunities and experiences.

Upon being awarded an OFP grant, a regional coordinator will work with you and your students to design and construct a pond from start to finish, so don’t let a lack of knowledge of experience in pond building prevent you from applying.

For more information about Operation Frog Pond, see the TWI website. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ron Skylstad (Director and PNW Regional Coordinator) via e-mail at